Showing posts with label Email. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Email. Show all posts

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Put an End to That Nagging Spam Mail - Run a Reverse Email Lookup

Though not all Spam is bad, the type that comes into your email box is probably not something with which you want to deal. Though there are some lucky people that never get it, most have had to deal with it on a daily basis. There is not always a lot you can do about spam, but you can use a reverse lookup to see where some of it is coming from. From there, you can see if there is anything else that you can do.

The problem with tracing the email address of someone sending spam is that they often change addresses. Most of the time, they get a new one for each mailing that they put out. That can mean a trace is useless for the most part. Some even know how to take over someone else's computer so that it appears to come from a totally innocent person. If nothing else, you can let someone know they need to do something about that.

There are a few ways that you can run a email reverse lookup if that is what you want to do when you get spam in your inbox. You can see if the email comes up when you put it into a search engine. Most of the time, if the email is from someone who mails out spam, you are going to find it on sites complaining about troublesome email addresses. Other times, you may find a hit that gives you more information.

You can also see if you can get a match through people searches. Most spam email addresses are not active long enough to come up on these, but you never know what will happen. Some small time spam emailers use the same address for a period of time, and you may find some information on them if you search them out through sites like Yahoo People Search.

You may want to do a reverse email search that can get you email addresses that are more protected. This could be something you do if you are being scammed through email, or if the ones you are getting are especially offensive. The fee you pay for the details to any email they can locate is very small, and very worth it if it helps you put an end to your troubles.

The Scourge of Spam and How to Tackle It   Spam Filtering For Small Businesses - Increase Productivity and Protect Your Data   Ways to Fight Fraud   Email Spam Blocker - Free Up Space in Your Inbox   

Can an Email Address Ever Really Be Anonymous?

For the most part, you are going to send out emails to those that you know, and you have no problem with them tracing the email back to you if they needed to do so. There are many clues to your identity in your email, even if you don't sign your name or if you sign up for a new account. There are times when emails can not be traced, though those tactics are not entirely infallible. For the most part, sending out a truly anonymous email is too complicated for the average Internet user.

You can try to start an email account with a new provider, and leave all identifying information out of the sign up process. You can even try fake names and data if you wish. For some Internet users, they will never know who you are because they don't know anything about IP numbers or email headers. In this case, those IP numbers and headers can give you away if someone knows what they are looking for. This is not the best way to send anonymous email messages.

You can send an anonymous email through what is called a remailer. What this does is it alters the information about IP address and it also alters other things on the headers of the email so that it can not be traced back to you. However, the remailer still has your information, and that means it could come back to bite you if you are doing things you should not be doing. In that case, using a second remailer can help, but again, not foolproof.

If you want to use any service that allows you to send what they call anonymous and untraceable email, you should think about a few things first. These services are not in place to allow any one to do anything illegal. If you are going to threaten someone, or use the service to run an email scam, they will give your information over to the authorities. However, if you have something you want to get off your back, but don't do so in a threatening way, or wish to make a statement in an anonymous way, these can help.

When you get an email that appears to be anonymous, don't be sure until you have had a chance to check it out. You want to find a place to use a free reverse email lookup. If there is any name or other information associated with that email address, this type of site may be able to give you that data. If an email is threatening, skip that and go straight to the authorities and your Internet service provider.

The Scourge of Spam and How to Tackle It   Spam Filtering For Small Businesses - Increase Productivity and Protect Your Data   Ways to Fight Fraud   Email Spam Blocker - Free Up Space in Your Inbox   

How to Deal With Threatening Email Messages

Email is used to communicate through the Internet, and though it is the preferred choice of communication for many today, it has its pitfalls. One would be that if an email is lost, you may never know it. Another is spam, and though that is annoying, it is often not threatening. However, there may come a time when an email does come into your inbox that threatens you in some way. When that happens, you have to know what to do about it.

The most important things to remember when you get threatening emails is that you should not delete them and you should never respond to them. If you respond, you are giving the matter the attention the sender wants. If you delete it, you have no proof that you have received anything. These are sometimes saved on email providers servers, but it is hard to get them to give them up, and the process can take a while.

The next thing you should do it to print out the entire email, headers included. The headers are important because the information contained within can be used to trace the email back to the person that sent it. Take your print out and go to the police to file a report. If you get more, do the same thing. If you can, do the same with the FBI. This is actually a Federal crime.

You may also want to forward a copy of the email to your Internet provider and the email service you use, if the two are different. You should also send the entire email (again, headers included) to the email provider from which the email was sent. No matter who you have sent this to and how many times you have printed the email out, still refrain from deleting. If you don't want to look at it, make a folder in your email account to file it away for later use, if needed.

You can also find some tools that will help you trace the origin of threatening emails if that is something you feel you should do. If it ends up being someone in your town or someone that you know, it is a good idea to avoid them. You can't do that if you don't know who they are. However, no matter what you find, do not contact the person in any way. Take what you have found to the police.

The Scourge of Spam and How to Tackle It   Spam Filtering For Small Businesses - Increase Productivity and Protect Your Data   Ways to Fight Fraud   Email Spam Blocker - Free Up Space in Your Inbox   

Is Email Harassment Illegal?

Not so long ago, a girl committed suicide because of messages that she was getting through the popular social networking site MySpace. This does not mean that MySpace is evil, but hopefully it was a wake up call for parents to know what their children are doing online, even if they feel they are being snoopy. Though you may not think of messages through MySpace as being email, they are. Not everyone behaves online, and there are times when email addresses can be harassing in nature, and even dangerous.

The nature of email makes it possible for people to think they are sending out messages that are anonymous, but that is rarely the case. There are some that know how to do this, but most Internet users have no idea. They just assume leaving their name off of an account means they are untraceable. That is simply not true, as many people have found out. They may feel free to send messages that are sinister and harassing in nature because they think no one will know who they are.

Though the line between a heated and illegal email is gray, and not all locations or jurisdictions with the US have the same laws, there are some that are definitely illegal. Some districts have deemed anything harassing to be illegal, no matter if it is going through phone lines, mail letters, electronic communications, or in person. Those that have this type of harassment in mind often use email because they think it is hard to trace. With the law on someone's side, a lawyer can get a service provider to hand over identifying information.

You may not know if a harassing email coming into your inbox is illegal where you live or not, but that does not mean you should not do something about it. You can try to find out about the laws where you live, and you can contact the authorities if you feel threatened in any way. You can also forward the email to your service provider, and then call them with an explanation to see if there is anything that they can do.

You may want to know who sent the email. You can find some limited information if you do a reverse email lookup Not all are traceable however. No matter what you find, do nothing with that information unless you want to turn it over to the authorities. Do not respond to such an email, and do not use what you find to contact the source of the email. You know who to avoid, if need be, but you don't want them to know you are on to them if they insist on remaining anonymous. Let the authorities deal with the problem for you.

The Scourge of Spam and How to Tackle It   Spam Filtering For Small Businesses - Increase Productivity and Protect Your Data   Ways to Fight Fraud   Email Spam Blocker - Free Up Space in Your Inbox   Configuring Your Exchange Server to Filter Spam   

Keep Your Inbox Clean - Report Spam Email

Spam email can be overwhelming, and in fact, many people have changed or abandoned an email address because of the amount of unwanted messages they received. Now, however, you can use email lookups online to find out more about any unknown or suspicious email address by searching for relevant directory entries. Every server or domain name keeps its own email directory, and as these are the most up to date lists of account information, these are the resources that reverse email lookups search.

Of course, to really get the most out of email lookups online, you will need to know what kind of information it can provide, and what of this will be most valuable to you. Directory entries commonly contain the name, IP address, and server information registered to an account, which is all you really need to know in order to determine whether or not you should report a spam email.

Spam itself is not illegal, so you have to have specific abuses and data to report with your complaint. This is where email lookups online come in, because they allow you to determine the legitimacy of any spam email. Simply by comparing the IP address provided with that listed in the email's header, you should be able to tell if the email originated with the inbox listed as the server. If these numbers do not match, of course, you have ample reason to file a formal report.

You can use email lookups online to protect yourself and your family against unknown email addresses, but by searching spam emails, you are also doing your part to protect other innocent email users of becoming spam victims. After all, by reporting a spam email, you have guaranteed that they will not be able to continue their practices with, at very least, this same account information, and you can know that your inbox really is clean, and not just for the minute at hand.

The Scourge of Spam and How to Tackle It   Spam Filtering For Small Businesses - Increase Productivity and Protect Your Data   Ways to Fight Fraud   Email Spam Blocker - Free Up Space in Your Inbox   

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